Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Get Set Go Lang ~ part#1

Get Set GO Lang
part# 1

What Is Go Lang?
(in case you just came here while curious web surfing)

Go is an OpenSource programming platform developed by Google (and contributors) to be expressive and efficient at the same point.
It's distributed under BSD-style License
It's a concurrency favoring, statically typed, compiler-based language. Though it declares to be giving ease like dynamically typed interpreted code.

On your mark, Get Set GO
(getting started with the quick boost usage)

To directly start playing with Go Lang, visit,
where you can directly type/paste in your go-lang code in an online editor and run to get output.

Just a small ++HelluvaWorld code-piece
package main 
import ("fmt"
        "math" )
func main() {
  fmt.Println("Today is ", time.Now().Weekday())
  fmt.Println("env as ", os.Environ())

  fmt.Println("A Pi on Ceil looks like ",
      " and a Pie on Floor looks like", 
[] Installing it for local & full-flown development practice would guide you getting 'go' working on your Linux, FreeBSD, OSX & Win platforms.

Rewind before the Start Line and take your First Leap
(first useful step to starting use of Go Lang)

[] quickie at variables and constants, a look at GO's declaration style
// var used to declare variable with type at end
var a, b, c int
// direct initialization doesn't require providing type
var x, y, z = 1, true, "yes"
// constants just require a 'const' keyword
const newconst = 10
func tellvar() {
a, b, c = newconst + 1, newconst + 2, newconst + 3
// inside a function, even := construct
// could be used to assign and not use 'var'
clang, java, ruby := "dRitchie", "jGosling", "Matz"
fmt.Println(a, b, c, x, y, z, clang, ruby, java)
now, you also know '//' is to comment as in C/C++ and more.

[] mobilizing functions
just an emulation of 'math' libraries 'pow' method (also a look at using for loop)
package main 
import "fmt" 
func pow(x int, y int) int {
  a := 1
  for i := 0; i < y; i++ {
    a = a * x
  return a
func main() {
  fmt.Println( "2 to the power of 5 is ", pow(2, 5) )

[] some function parameters style, the pow above is same as
func pow(x, y int) int { ... }

[] function returning multiple values
dream come true of how a function can return any number of values (also use of if condition)
func plusminus(a, b int) (int, int) { 
     if a > b {return a+b, a-b} 
     return a+b, b-a
  or could be like
func plusminus(a, b int) (plus, minus int) { 
     plus = a + b 
    if a > b {   
                   minus = a - b  
     } else {    
       minus = b - a  

plus, minus := plusminus(1, 2)
fmt.Println("Plus: ", plus,
            "\nMinus: ", minus)

[] more to go..... in more to come


Shops to Go
(other fine links to Go, until next part of this tutorial comes)

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